Norwegian Signing

The signdoc/PAdES API is used in the context of PAdES electronic signing. It’s an extension of the authentication product. So through the API you can sign a PDF or a base-64 encoded document.

API documentation

1. Create a new session for the PAdES electronic signing:


Test environment:

Production environment:

1.1 Request example

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: 12345678-YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN-5352305c9fb0
Content-Length: 725

  "locale": "En",
  "metadata": {
    "documents": [
        "description": "My File",
        "end_user_only": true,
        "end_user_seal_position": {
          "page": 0,
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0
        "merchant_seal_position": {
          "page": 0,
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0
    "pades_sign_properties": {
      "add_visual_seals": true
    "result_content": [
    "sign_properties": {
      "document_display_mode": "Interior",
      "order_name": "My Order Name",
      "show_confirmation": true,
      "show_understanding": true,
      "timeout_seconds": 0
  "redirect_failure": "",
  "redirect_success": "",
  "relay_state": "my-unique-customer-id",
  "webhook": ""

1.2 Request Parameters

Localecountry example : En, SE etc 
End user seal position
 Page number, X and Y axis positionNo
filePDF document or base-64 encoded document.Yes
Document display mode
Interior, Overlay, WindowNo
Order name
 File reference name 
Merchant seal position
Page number, X and Y axis positionNo
Result content

PadesSignedPdf,  DocumentHash and  PadesAppendix  

Add visual seals

seal visible after sign in completed if it’s true 

Show confirmation

Show confirmation visible after sign in if it’s true

End user only

End user seal only visible if it’s true else end user and Bankid seal visible

relay_stateOptional Custom Parameter to be included in webhook callsNo
Redirect failuretargetError works as target except it is navigated on user cancel or error situations.No
Redirect successIf this parameter is supplied the browser session will finally be redirected to this URL-value.No
webhookA webhook in web development is a method of augmenting or altering the behavior of a web page or web application with custom callbacksNo

1.3 Response example

    "data": {
        "errors": [],
        "id": "03b3401d-76c7-4dbf-8099-b0d24d93d952",
        "redirect_url": "",
        "status": "SigningInProcess"

1.4 Response Parameters

errorsA JSON object that contains information on error conditions that might have resulted from the request, in an array of property-value pairs. If multiple errors occur, a pair of parameters is returned for each error. code Code for the error. List of codes is in table below. description A string that describes the type of error that occurred. If no errors occur, then this object is empty. errors : []
idA unique session identifier generated for each workflow instance.
redirect urlredirect url with unique session id
Sign Completed, Failed

1.4 GET session results by Session Id{{sessionId}}{{sessionId}}

  "data": {
    "errors": [],
    "id": "ffbae93c-34d7-43ad-8b1a-f5f71441ad3a",
    "result": {},
    "status": "SignCompleted",
    "uploadedDocuments": [
        "contentType": "application/octet-stream",
        "documentId": "eeea1988-f240-4a77-8d8e-32fa5f42f018",
        "documentOptions": {
          "description": "My File",
          "endUserOnly": true,
          "endUserSealPos": {
            "page": 0,
            "x": 0,
            "y": 0
          "merchantSealPos": {
            "page": 0,
            "x": 0,
            "y": 0