### Version 5 (Latest) ### Overview This service allows searching for a Swedish person’s identity data using various search criteria like name, address, and optionally the postal code (zip code). It returns details such as full name, address, and other relevant information based on Swedish government data sources. ### Supported Country - **Sweden** ### Data Source - Official Swedish Population Registry ## Core Functionalities  ### Environments  We provide the following environments for your use: ·        **Test (TEST) Environment:** `https://test-gateway.zignsec.com/core/api/` ·        **Production (PROD) Environment:** `https://gateway.zignsec.com/core/api/` ### Authentication   Each request to our API should be authenticated by sending your subscription key in the “Authorization” header. Our support creates subscription keys for you (a pair for each environment), and it’s highly recommended to regularly rotate the keys (currently it’s done by sending a support request, but please let us know if you’d like to automate it). If you need different configurations it’s possible to register multiple tenants and configure them differently. ### REST API   #### Headers  | Header | Description | Required | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | | Authorization | This header parameter is the subscription key you received from ZignSec during the registration process. Example: Authorization: 123456add0cff22873c428e987654321 | Yes | | Content-Type | Specifies the media type of the request body data. Set to application/json if JSON object. | Yes | #### OpenAPI documentation   ##### Live documentation   [Swagger UI (zignsec.com)]([Swagger UI (zignsec.com)](https://test-gateway.zignsec.com/#/Register%20Checks/postSearchPersonSe)) #### Endpoint:  **POST /sessions/lookup_person/se** [https://gateway.zignsec.com/core/api/sessions/](https://gateway.zignsec.com/core/api/sessions/) This endpoint retrieves detailed identity information from the Swedish Population Registry using a valid Swedish Personal Identification Number (Personnummer), and optionally, a zip code for additional specificity. #### **Request Body:** The request must include at least one of the primary search parameters (`first_name` or `last_name`). Additional parameters, like the address and zip code, can be included to refine the search results. |Parameter|Type|Required|Description| |---|---|---|---| |`first_name`|String|Yes|First name of the person to search for.| |`last_name`|String|Yes|Last name of the person to search for.| |`street`|String|No|Optional street name for refining the search.| |`city`|String|No|Optional city for refining the search.| |`zip_code`|String|No|Optional Swedish postal code (zip code) for enhancing search precision. Example: `19534`.| #### **Example Request:** ```json { "first_name": "Sara", "last_name": "Karlsson", "street": "Vasavägen", "city": "ÅMOTFORS", "zip_code": "19534" } ``` ### Response Details #### **Success Response (200 OK):** A successful response returns the identity information of the individuals matching the provided search criteria. |Parameter|Type|Description| |---|---|---| |`status`|String|Status of the request. Typically `Success`.| |`total_results`|Integer|Number of records that match the search query.| |`results`|Array|List of individuals that match the search criteria.| |`first_name`|String|First name of the person.| |`last_name`|String|Last name of the person.| |`address`|Object|Address details:| |`street`|String|Street address| |`postalCode`|String|Postal code| |`city`|String|City of residence| |`country`|String|Country of residence, always Sweden| #### **Example Success Response:** ```json { "status": "Success", "total_results": 1, "results": [ { "first_name": "Sara Maria", "last_name": "Karlsson", "address": { "street": "Vasavägen", "postalCode": "67040", "city": "ÅMOTFORS", "country": "Sweden" } } ] } ``` ### Error Handling Errors may occur due to issues with authentication, invalid request format, or the person not being found in the registry. For details please view openAPI specification found here: [Swagger UI (zignsec.com)]([Swagger UI (zignsec.com)](https://test-gateway.zignsec.com/#/Register%20Checks/postIdentitySearchSe)) ### Additional Information - **Authentication**: A valid API key and access token must be included in the request header. - **Optional Input**: Including the `zip_code` and other location-based parameters can improve the precision of the search. - **Data Source Reliability**: This service pulls data directly from Swedish government sources and provides up-to-date, reliable identity data. ### How to test Here is a link to an excel sheet which contains test data which can be used to test the products. [Link to testdata](https://25357801.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/25357801/Support%20Files/TestdatabasPersoner.xlsx)