LookupPerson service looks up the address data for residents existing in the national population register by countryCode and a national PersonalNumber. A lookup by PhoneNumber is also available. The response can be either exactly one address hit, or empty if no match was found. For found persons the return field PersonStatus indicates the status, where empty status is the default and normal value, see below table.



  • PersonStatus missing, “” or
    Active represents an active person and is the normal value.)
  • Protected – a person with protected identity
  • Emigrated – a emigrated person will show this status for a “limited period”.
  • Deceased – a deceased person will show this status for a “limited period”.
  • DeRegistered – internal deletion code
  • Unknown status – the earlier status was most likely Deceased or Emigrated but the indication is automatically lost after the above “limited period” has elapsed, and Unknown status is shown instead.

In case of a set PersonStatus the name and address fields are blanked out.

Note: eID authentications are able to automatically include address data. (currently Swedish BankID and BankingAPI): Set parameter LookupPersonAddress to true to do an address lookup towards the population register with the authenticated PersonalNumber.


In the Query node level:
CountryCodeMandatory parameter. Sets the country to query in.
DateOfBirthIn the form YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD
PhoneEnables search by phone number where service is available.
AddressStreet name and number etc.
In the root node level:
EnvironmentOptional parameter. See Environment at the Common Data documentation.
_DataSourceOptional parameter. For specifying the underlying search provider to be used.
Sample of Test persons can be found here.

Example request for a Swedish search

POST https://test.zignsec.com/v2/ekyc/lookupperson HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Authorization: your_key_here


Response example:

	"id": "d352e761-45a4-465b-b290-e4d2bd65683f",
	"errors": [],
	"WasFound": true,
		"PersonStatus": "",
		"MainFirstName": "Linda",
		"FirstName": "Linda Marie",
		"LastName": "Hassan Ahmed",
		"DateOfBirth": "19700110",
		"BirthYear": 1970,
		"BirthMonth": 1,
		"BirthDayOfMonth": 10,
		"Age": 48,
		"PersonalNumber": "197001102222",
		"Address": "Kumlagatan 3 lgh 1205",
		"Address2": null,
		"PostalCode": "53392",
		"Location": null,
		"City": "Lundsbrunn",
		"Province": null,
		"CountryCode": "se",
		"Phone": null,
		"Email": null,
		"PhoneNumbers": ["070-7001127", "070-7001130"],
		"_DataSource": null,
		"FullName": "Linda Marie Hassan Ahmed"

Request example 2: Lookup by phone number

POST https://api.zignsec.com/v2/ekyc/lookupperson HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Authorization: yourkey-here.

   "phonenumber": "0859057121"

Response example:

  "id": "47098ac4-a0a4-42fc-aa97-c9bc528e5f2c",
  "errors": [  ],
  "WasFound": true,
  "Person": {
    "MainFirstName": "",
    "FirstName": "Per Henrik",
    "LastName": "Colen",
    "DateOfBirth": "19770906",
    "BirthYear": 1977,
    "BirthMonth": 9,
    "BirthDayOfMonth": 6,
    "Age": 40,
    "PersonalNumber": "197709060073",
    "Address": "Tunav\u00e4gen 45",
    "Address2": null,
    "PostalCode": "19455",
    "Location": null,
    "City": "Upplands V\u00e4sby",
    "Province": "Upplands V\u00e4sby",
    "CountryCode": "se",
    "Phone": "0859057121",
    "Email": null,
    "PhoneNumbers": null,
    "_DataSource": null,
    "FullName": "Per Henrik Colen"