The Watchlist Check Service, tailored specifically for the Nordic countries, offers a specialized tool for organizations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland to cross-reference individuals or entities against a meticulously curated database of watchlisted names and affiliations. Users input specific details, such as names or birth dates, via a secure API request. The service then sifts through its Nordic-centric database, seeking matches while accounting for regional nuances, possible aliases, and local variations. Within moments, users receive a comprehensive response highlighting potential hits, detailed context, and relevancy scores. This region-specific focus ensures heightened accuracy and relevance, enabling Nordic organizations to make well-informed, timely decisions based on localized data. POST to https://`env`**nordic** _(uses Nordic provider)_ where `env` stands for environment and can be either **API** for production or **test**. #### Query Parameters - Query->FirstName and Query->LastName are mandatory - Query->DateOfBirth is optional. Date can be given both as full date (YYYY-MM-DD) or as a year only. - Query->PersonalNumber is optional, use together with CountryCode. The NORDIC provider has most persons in PEP listed with PersonalNumber so this parameter is a recommendation for perfect PEP match rate in the Nordic countries. - Query->CountryCode for citizenship is optional but recommended. Note that all queries, even when using full name and dateOfBirth, can return [false positives]( Also note there is a degree of fuzzy match in the search, so different spelling of names should not hide hits. ####  Request Example ``` POST HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 Authorization: YOUR_KEY... { "Query":{ "FirstName":"Daniel", "LastName":"Eriksson", "DateOfBirth": "1942-02-28", "personalnumber":"194202281111", "CountryCode":"se", } } ``` ####  Response Example ```json { "id": "9735e800-28b4-4796-a33b-41617df47196", "errors": [], "HitCountTotal": 1, "HitCountPEP": 1, "HitCountSanctions": 0, "_DataSource": "DP07", "AttributeId": "attr0", "Countries": [], "Entities": [], "Individuals": [ { "Addresses": [ "SWE " ], "Aliases": [ "Daniel Eriksson" ], "AttributeId": null, "BirthDate": "1942-02-28T00:00:00", "Comment": null, "Engagements": [], "ExternalId": "1489-5", "ExternalUrls": [ "" ], "FunctionDescription": null, "HitRating": 5, "Id": 112, "IsMale": null, "KeyWordHitRating": 1.0, "LastUpdate": "2021-10-25T13:41:23", "ListType": "PEP", "Name": "Daniel Eriksson", "OriginalBirthDate": "1942-02-28", "PostDate": null, "SourceName": "PEP_Edge", "Ssn": "SE194202281111", "Title": null, "Url": null, "Xml":"/n" } ] } ``` ####  Request Example 2, PEP hit by relation (RCA) ``` bash POST HTTP/1.1 Authorization: YOUR-KEY { "Query":{   "FirstName":"Sofia",   "LastName":"Rosander",             "CountryCode":"se" } } ``` ####  Response Example 2 (PEP hit by relation) Observe that the relationship to the Politically Exposed Person is expressed in the field `Title` “Husband / Wife of etc. Former Member of parliament” ```json { "id": "6c6fab30-8ef4-42f1-9cc7-2f3a11c954a5", "errors": [ ], "HitCountTotal": 1, "HitCountPEP": 1, "HitCountSanctions": 0, "_DataSource": "DP07", "AttributeId": "attr0", "Countries": [ ], "Entities": [ ], "Individuals": [ { "Addresses": [ "SWE " ], "Aliases": [ "Sofia Rosander" ], "AttributeId": null, "BirthDate": "1976-09-13T00:00:00", "Comment": null, "Engagements": [ ], "ExternalId": "Test-30", "ExternalUrls": [ "" ], "FunctionDescription": null, "HitRating": 2, "Id": 146, "IsMale": null, "KeyWordHitRating": 1.0, "LastUpdate": "2024-08-27T11:51:29", "ListType": "PEP", "Name": "Sofia Rosander", "OriginalBirthDate": "1976-09-13", "PostDate": null, "SourceName": "PEP_Edge", "Ssn": "SE197609138164", "Title": null, "Url": null, "Xml": null } ] } ``` #### Response Field Descriptions | | | | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `id` | ZignSec’s guid (globally unique identifier) for the request. | | `errors` | A JSON object that contains information on error conditions that might have resulted from the request, in an array of property-value pairs. If multiple errors occur, a pair of parameters is returned for each error. code Code for the error. List of codes is in table below. description A string that describes the type of error that occurred. If no errors occur, then this object is empty. errors : [] | | `Entities[]` | An array of legal entities matching. | | `Individuals[]` | An array of individuals matching. See next table for structure. | | `HitCountTotal` | The total number of positive matches under node `individuals`, is equal to `HitCountPEP` + `HitCountSanctions` | | `HitCountPEP` | The number of positive matches in PEP lists, is equal to number of rows under node `individuals` where `listType` is equal to PEP. | | `HitCountSanctions` | The number of positive matches in Sanctions lists, is equal to number of rows under node `individuals` where `listType` is equal to SANCTION. | #### Response Field Description for Individual | | | | | ------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | **Added** | **DateTime** | **Date when this entry was added.** | | Addresses | Address[] | A array of Addresses as strings. | | Aliases | String[] | A array of Aliases as strings. | | SubQueryId | String | The id of the QueryAttribute that returned this instance as a match. | | BirthDate | String | The BirthDate of the Individual. Returns null if it was not set. | | BirthDateSource | String | The BirthDate of the Individual as defined in the source. Returns null if it was not set. | | Comment | String | Comment, if any. | | Engagements | | An array of engagements to an entities if any is registered. | | ExternalID | String | The ExternalID, i.e., the original id supplied by the source. | | ExternalUrls | String[] | A array of external URLs as strings. | | FunctionDescription | String | The function of the Individual. ie occupation or official position. | | HitRating | int | **This is most important for separating false positives. Indicates how relevant this list hit is to the query. The higher the number, the more accurate hit, with 5 being the most accurate. SSN=> 5 BirthDate, name and country => 4 Name and country => 2 Name => 1.** | | Id | int | Database Id. Only for internal use as it will not be persistent through data imports. | | IsMale | bool | Returns true if the sex of the Individual is male. Returns null if it was not set. | | KeywordHitrating | decimal | Gets or sets the keyword hit rating. | | LastUpdate | DateTime | The date of the last update. | | ListType | string | String indicating the ListType. The value used is the name of the ServiceGroupConfiguration. Ex: SANCTION or PEP. | | Name | string | The name of the Item. | | PostDate | DateTime | The date supplied by the source. | | SourceName | string | String indicating the source. Ex: EU_GLOBAL. | | SSN | string | The SSN of the individual. | | Title | string | The title of the Individual. | | URL | string | URL, if any, to the source document. | | Xml | string | The data in XML format. If the source was in XML this is the original data. | ## Data Sources covered by the Nordic provider #### PEP lists: Sweden - 100% coverage on known PEP and RCA with SSN and/or date of birth. Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland - Very good coverage on date of birth on known PEP and RCA. #### Sanction lists: United Nations Security Council Consolidated Sanctions List (UNSC) European Union Commission Consolidated List (EU) HM United Kingdom Treasury Consolidated List (UKT) #### Test cases **Updated: 2024-06-19** Here is a link to test cases for nordic Pep and Sanction [Link to excel](