Global Identity Verification

Step 1: Initialize session

Request Example

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: 12345678-YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN-5352305c9fb0
Content-Length: 725

  "locale": "En",
  "metadata": {},
  "redirect_failure": "",
  "redirect_success": "",
  "relay_state": "my-unique-customer-id",
  "webhook": ""

1.2: Description of Request Model

localePreferred Language to Use . example: En 
metadata  Yes
redirect_failureURL to redirect the end-user to on failure 
redirect_successURL to redirect the end-user to on success 
relay_stateThis optional parameter will be returned to you at the redirect back to your server. Use it to link an unique ID of your choice that you can parse. Examplerelaystate=zignsec_eid_1234No

A URL where success/error results will automatically be POST:ed.

During test you try  for free webhook URLs.


1.3: Example of Response Body

  "data": {
    "id": "474cc763-session id-bc861a99620c",
    "redirect_url": " id-bc861a99620c"

1.4: Description of Response Model

idA unique session identifier generated for each workflow instance.
redirect_urlRedirected  URL will open the below form

Fill all the details in the below mentioned Form and follow the steps to start the session.

1 - Choose Method

2 - Verify Identity

3 - Enter Details to continue the session